A little pictures ,when i make agarwood/oud oil from malacansis tree...
"I Hope you can enjoy it "......
My " BIG " distilation machine
raw dust material to make agarwood oil 1
raw material to make agarwood oil 2
"agarwood /oud oil " from distilation machine
method : water distilation take a time 4 - 5 days
after distilation water + oil mixed
second process,to make oil is pure
Now,. pure oudh oil one tola is ready to sale
( before that, they must stored in the dark places for some time )
my worker, dry ash ex. distillation in the sun,...most people ussualy, used this dust to make a ma'mul
the dust dry in the sun,take a time between 3 or 5 days
How many kilograms of agarwood can you fit into your still?
How do you make the oil pure?
What is the price of one tola?
hai bikeman,..
thans for your respons,..
here i give you detailed info about my process to make pure agarwood oil ..
quantity of raw material agarwood when i put into my still as much as 10 kg.
processing i make oil is pure :
1. i'am collected good raw agarwood material from the jungle from other dust or fungus & i clean them with spray water last that, dry them in the sunshine for 3 days
2.i put them into a diskmill machine,then he become a small pieces
3.:this is ussualy based of buyer inquiry, i 'am soaked raw material into the water about two hour,1 days,3 days untill 1 mounth as a buyer order,but if this oil used for madicine enough for 2 hours ,there is different purpose to used this oil for parfume or madicine.
4.put them 10 kg raw material into
still/full stainless stell distilation machine ,to madicine i'am used glass distilation ( mixed stainless + glass )and then ready to distilation process,method of distilation i;am used water distilation,not steam.
5. after 3 days ,the oil + mixed water from separator ,i move it into small glass bottle,after 2-3 days i 'am move it oil on top side from water in other small bottle,with steril Pipettes ..
6. now,the bottle contains full agarwood oil,but to make sure the oil is really pure i put oil with position like this : under side of botlle i put low heater element to heat from the under side and from top oil position i'am used 60 watt lamp to heating oil from top of bottle,last things the bottle caps that containing oil is little open,to easy removed water residue or other dust,this process take a time about 24 hour.and after that,i am check it with water salinity tools.
7.now,..the oil is pure,.and i move it again pure agarwood oil into the bottle 12 cc/tola ,with other steril pipette.last that, high grade quality agarwood oil is ready to sell.
the price of pure agarwood oil ,when ussualy i sell it to arabian trader or others exporters,where they take straight in my place town is u$150/tola,because many orders from other buyers to me,.ussualy 2 weeks before that,after they give the down payment .they order to 10 or 15 tola's for pure agarwood oil.
i hope my information when you need, can be usefull to you.thank you for your respons,please do not embarrassed before to contact me,if you needs detail information..thanks.
best regard
aroma wangi
bangka island,sumatra-indonesia
Saya sgt tertarik dengan cerita Tuan, saya sgt berbangga kerana ada juga orang2 kita dapat menguasai ilmu Gaharu ini.
Saya adalah pengemar Gaharu asli. Boleh kah saya berkenalan lebil rapat lagi dengan Tuan? Boleh kah saya ke tempat Tuan?
Saya mendoakan semoga Allah mempermudahkan urusan Hambanya... Amin... Wasalam... Alex
dear bapak alex...
terima kasih atas responya dan doanya...senang juga bisa kenal dengan anda ..penggemar gaharu asli...silahkan datang ke tempat saya ,jadi kita bisa berkenalan lebih baik,..akan tetapi saye mohon maaf sebesar- besarnya untuk mengenai tehnik produksi oud ,saya tak bisa jelaskan lebih detail,.karna ini menyangkut urusan dapur untuk keluarga saya.. : )
posisi saya sekarang ini sedang ada di jakarta,tapi saya lebih banyak bertempat di pulau saya yg tercinta " pulau bangka "... ini no. hp saya 081311470157.
inka oud
bangka island,sumatera ,indonesia.
salam hormat juga pak alex... : )
same2 saye pun senang andai kata bise ketemu dan bersilaturahmi dengan bapak langsung..dan terima kasih atas pengertianya..
untuk urusan gaharu,insya allah utntuk beberapa bulan ke depan ini saye dah berencana tuk buat teh gaharu dan sabun gaharu juga untuk development product2 dari gaharu,kerna dah ada permintaan dari pelanggan saya..mudah2an kita ise bertemu dan berdiskusi banyak masalah gaharu ni..atau bapak tertarik untuk tanam juga gaharu di bangka ? he..he..welcome : )
mengenai pesawat ke bangka,itu harus melalui dari singapore transit ke jakarta, terus dari jakarta naik pesawat lagi sekitar 45 menit ke bangka..insya allah kapan waktu mau pak alex pergi..bise hubungi saya ,.saye akan jemput di airport bangka...
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